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IoT – Great Opportunities and New Challenges in 2020 – Digital Technology Pro

IoT will experience remarkable growth in 2020. However, as it evolves, the lack of security and the need for complete solutions will become more evident.

In recent years, the interconnection between different devices, from cars to appliances, or even factories, has led to turning IoT (Internet of Things) into a trend with great future potential.

According to Gartner’s forecasts, the number of endpoints, or connection points for IoT, will reach 5,800 million dollars in 2020. However, this growth will go hand in hand with new obstacles that will have to be overcome as the Internet of Things reach.

The eagerness to reduce the price of sensors is affecting security in IoT

One of the challenges that will have to be faced is the one that concerns security. And some experts say that hundreds of thousands of low-cost devices are being put on the market. And that they put the network at high risk. The desire of sensor manufacturers to reduce the price of these devices is affecting security.

However, although there is increasing awareness about the security problem in IoT and the seriousness they entail. The large volume of new types of endpoints that will reach the market in the coming years makes the risks very high.

Given these perspectives, the use of network behavior analysis, a machine-based learning system that recognizes malicious traffic, can be a solution to start addressing it.

More collaboration

The lack of integral solutions stands as another of the great problems of IoT. According to professionals, there are two types of suppliers that compete in this segment of IoT. On the one hand, companies with a lot of experience in technology but little in operation. And, on the other, very established suppliers in various vertical markets without much technological sophistication.

From a practical point of view, this means that most of the time, no provider can offer a comprehensive solution to a given IoT problem. And, therefore, cannot solve the broader issues with IoT technology in a unified way.

All of this will highlight the need for a higher degree of collaboration throughout the IoT sector. Therefore, IT companies (information technologies) will have to strengthen ties. And also, partner with OT (operational technologies) to provide a comprehensive solution to customers.

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