Business Internet

4 Career Pathways Into the World of Business

As with most other activities and pursuits in modern life, the world of business is a multi-faceted and highly complex industry which continually changes and adapts to suit modern trends and technological advancements.

As with other major titans of industry, such as medicine and education, there is a myriad of different pathways into working as a business executive or senior business professional, all with their own required and advisable hard and soft skill sets.

So, with this in mind, continue reading to discover four of the primary career pathways into the world of business.

1.   Hospitality & Event Planning

The field of hospitality is one which has become increasingly under the proverbial microscope over the last few decades or so, not least recently due to the outbreak of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic.

One of the most wonderful elements of working in hospitality and/or events management as a route in to owning or running your own business is that no academic qualifications are required to enter the industry at the ground level. Business and hospitality management go hand in hand and there is a myriad of ways in which one can combine a love and passion for hospitality with a lucrative and progressive career in business.

Entry level job roles firmly under the proverbial umbrella of hospitality include:

  • Bartender
  • Waiter
  • Pot Washer
  • Glass Collector
  • Hotel Receptionist
  • Restaurant Host
  • Housekeeping
  • Concierge
  • Casino Host

Middle level career pathways in hospitality which may well lead to progressing into the business and business management sector include:

  • Assistant Restaurant Manager
  • Team Leader
  • Wedding Planner
  • General Manager
  • Meetings Manager
  • Chef
  • Sous Chef

Senior professional roles in the hospitality industry which are directly related and involve, on a daily basis, business management and business administrations, include:

2.   Administration & Leadership Development

The specialized and intensely fascinating field of business administration is one which would be one of the most fast-progressing pathways into running and/or owning your own business.

Unlike working your way up the proverbial ladder in the hospital industry, a career in business administration is one which requires academic qualifications which are nationally recognized. What is more, the higher your educational qualifications are, the more well placed you will be to move up said ladder.

One of the most effective and simultaneously absolutely fascinating ways to ensure your knowledge of and experience in business administration is as all-encompassing as it can be is to embark upon a prestigious dba online. Learning about the intricacies of business administration will result in a much larger academic and practical awareness of the proverbial cogs of the business machine.

3.   Finance & Accounting

At the heart of any business, regardless of the scope and scale of the company, is the foundation of trade; that of selling a product or service in order to make a profit. It will not be a revelation, however, for you to learn that this knowledge on its own is certainly not enough to run a successful company.

The fundamental components within business accounting and finance which you should endeavor to at least learn and understand the basic concepts of include, but are certainly in no way limited to, the following:

  • Business credit ratings and how to improve them
  • Market research in terms of rivals’ profits and losses
  • The value and business acumen behind sales collateral and sales projections
  • Taxes and other legal costs
  • Avenues in which to invest business profit which are both lucrative and secure

If matters relating to money and finance in a business setting are of particular interest to you, then you may well want to consider become a professionally qualified and chartered accountant. Not only is working in the field of accountancy an incredibly lucrative career option, but it also one of substantial stability and always reports higher than average levels of job satisfaction throughout this country and beyond.

On average, a chartered accountant in the United States who has been working professionally for two years or more can expect to earn approximately $69,500 to $73,000 a year. There are several key questions it would be more than pertinent to ask yourself to prepare yourself for a career as an accountant:

  1. Which areas under the umbrella of accounting do you find the most interesting?
  2. Do you have an adequate amount of time to dedicate to becoming an accountant?
  3. What level of education are you expected to reach to work in the specific area of accounting which holds your interest?
  4. Are there any certain areas of the field which you are either disillusioned with or else have zero interest in?
  5. Do you want to work in the private, financial or public accounting services sector?

4.   Human Resources

Finally, the fourth fundamental career pathway which will stand you in incredibly good and even impressive stead should you want to start, run and own your own business in the future is to consider training as a human resources worker.

Essentially, human resources, more colloquially referred to as HR, is the absolutely vital department within any functioning and solvent business which handles absolutely everything related to both current employees and potential new hires.

There are a multitude of key skillsets and attributes which you will need to become successful in the field of HR, which include the following:

  • Previous education or indeed practical work experience in organizational and industrial psychology or human resource management itself
  • The ability to manage both your time and your priorities
  • Coaching skills
  • A strong and consistently adapting level of command of various computing technologies and software packages
  • A commercial awareness on how to make a business more money
  • Strong listening and communicating skills
  • An impressive level of administration knowledge and experience
  • The ability to quickly adopt a strategic and logical mindset
  • The ability to work independently and be proactive in stressful situations
  • Skills in advising and counseling

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