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7 Reasons Why Organizations Need Secure Emails

Secure Emails: The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) in 2017 published an investigation. The investigation that demonstrates losses of more than 30 million dollars due to phishing tactics via email. It is these types of attacks that make us realize the importance of having a technological solution that keeps our company’s email free of spam and computer attacks.

What are email filters?

An Email Filter is an essential component in every network security toolkit.

It prevents your company from receiving an unwanted email can reduce your productivity, storage capacity and mean a risk at the level of computer security.

In this way, the purpose of an email filter is to increase its levels of security and productivity by filtering emails of doubtful origin for this. The most common option was to use dedicated hardware devices and software.

Benefits of using Secure Mail

Increase in productivity

Having a vast amount of spam distracts workers, while manual removal takes away valuable time that could be invested in other activities. Eliminating and preventing these messages significantly increases the efficient activities of your work team.

Prevention of attacks by computer virus infection

One of the main functions of a secure email is to protect companies from malware attacks, regardless of the purpose of the malicious code, the filter will allow email to be a secure communication channel for your company.

Phishing fraud prevention

Phishing through email is one of the latent threats of companies; one of its functionalities of this filter is to block emails of suspicious origin. In this way, workers can operate with total normality knowing that the Information and orders sent by mail are reliable. And also, sent by co-workers or their bosses.

Avoid junk mail that delays IT, staff

Setting up an email to avoid spam or manually eliminating it not only takes time away from workers, IT staff from organizations that do not have this solution spend many hours riding their organizations of useless and harmful email.

Intercept suspicious content and URLs

One of the ways to identify an attack via email is through email links that can generate the malware download. And, in case these emails go through the spam filters, the secure email intercepts the emails these malicious links.

Block infected attachments

The spread of malware ransomware can also be present in attachments in the mail, titled deceptively. And also, sometimes aimed at a specific worker; these dangerous files are detected and isolated thanks to an email filter.

Protect critical business information

Each business has something unique that is worth protecting, and its data is confidential. In this way, every company uses crucial information, obtained from experience or through third parties.

These data may be related to sales, financial administration, product development, human resources, or customer service, which in the wrong hands can generate economic losses or open up vulnerability to other types of attacks, such as password filtering.

If your company sends information about your business that you do not want your competitors to know through email, you should take several precautions.

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