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Telecommunication – Definition, Types and Telecommunication Networks

Telecommunication Definition

Telecommunications are the remote transmission of information data by electronic or technological means. The information data is transported to the telecommunication circuits using electrical signals.

A basic telecommunication circuit consists of two stations, each equipped with a receiver and a transmitter, which can be combined to create a transceiver.


Telecommunications, as we know it today, had its first turning point in 1800 when Alessandro Volta invented the electric cell or electric cell. The next significant advance in this matter was the electromagnetic telegraph developed by Samuel Morse in 1835 and soon the expansion of the telephone in 1876 when Alexander Graham Bell obtained his patent in the United States. From there, the advance in telecommunications had unbridled growth.

Types of Telecommunication Networks

The best form of telecommunications takes place between two stations. But it is common for multiple transmitting and receiving stations to exchange data with each other. And also, such an arrangement is a telecommunications network. Besides, the Internet is the most significant example of a telecommunications network. On a smaller scale, examples include:

  • Corporate and Academic Wide Area Networks (WANs)
  • Telephone networks
  • Cellular networks
  • Police systems and fire communications.
  • Taxi dispatch networks.
  • Groups of amateur radio amateurs.
  • Transmission networks.

Telecommunication Network

A telecommunications network consists of multiple interlinked receivers and transmitter stations that exchange information. Besides, the largest and best-known network is the Internet. And also, other smaller systems are telephone networks and private radio broadcasts.

Telecommunication System

In a telecommunications system, the use of cables, fiber optics, or electromagnetic fields is generally for the transmission of telecommunication signals. And also, the areas free of transmission and reception of data by electromagnetic fields are Wireless and Radio.

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

The ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is an agency of the United Nations that aims to coordinate telecommunications services. And also other operations around the world.

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