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Web – Definition, Types and What is a Web Page?

Web Definition

The web is an English word that means network or cobweb. The most popular information management system for data transmission over the internet is designated as ‘the [web].’
The web is the diminutive of the world wide web or www whose technologies for its operation (HTML, URL, HTTP) were developed in 1990 by Tim Berners Lee.

To use this, it is necessary to have internet access. And a web browser, through which it requests a dynamic page also called a web page.

The web browser, such as Google Chrome, communicates with the web server using the network protocol or HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) to deliver the desired request.

The website uses the HTML language (hypertext markup language) for the creation of its pages, which unified the way to search. And also create information through the internet. Besides, the set of associated online network pages are located on a website such as, for example, YouTube.

Web Page

A digital document of a multimedia nature (that is, capable of including audio, video, text, and their combinations), adapted to WWW [World Wide Web] standards and to which it can be accessed through a web browser and an active Internet connection. It is the basic format of content on the net.

On the Internet, there are more than a billion [Web pages] of various kinds. And diverse content from all over the world and in the main languages spoken. This represents the main information file of humanity that currently exists, stored along thousands of servers throughout the planet, which you can access, thanks to a communication protocol system (HTTP) quickly.

Web Page Types

There are two types of a Web page, according to the way its generates its content:

Static [Web] Pages

They operate by downloading a file programmed in HTML code. A file that contains all the instructions for the browser to rebuild the hyperspace page. And also, accessing the locations of its elements. And following a preconceived, rigid order that does not allow interaction with the user. In addition, these types of pages are merely informative, documentary, not interactive.

Dynamic [Web] pages

Unlike the previous ones, these dynamic pages are generated at the moment of the user’s access, using for this some interpreted language (such as PHP), which allows them to receive requests from the user, process them in databases and offer a response according to your requirements.

Web Navigator

The use of application software, the net browsers, is to open w3 pages both on a local path (hard drive) or from the Internet.

They are known as “browsers” or “explorers,” based on the metaphor that the Internet is vast. And a crowded place, for which it needs a platform

In this sense, these browsers allow us to “enter” the Internet and view different content from entering URL addresses. Or using online data search services.

Also Read: What is Google Gravity, and How Does it Work?

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