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6 Tips to offer Quality Cloud Services

The cloud services business continues to grow as companies discover or test the benefits of the cloud. Not surprisingly, each niche is expected to grow 20% or more each year. A fact that, as partners, encourages us to find the best formula to sell quality cloud services.

When talking about cloud services, we can refer to different areas within technology, from the infrastructure managed by these services to security, through the tools used by employees on a day-to-day basis in an organization.

In any of these sections, a progressive increase in use as a cloud service can be observed. A growth that, although positive, also reveals that cloud services are the least protected or, on certain occasions, the worst managed in areas such as identity or access management. Challenges that further focus the partner’s advisory role.

So what should I look at as a cloud service provider? What are my weapons to get a proposal for quality and success? We give you some guidelines:

1. Certification

We never tire of repeating it: certification in any technological field is essential to study this matter in-depth and offer a quality proposal. In this sense, cloud services follow the same pattern; they demand specialization and knowledge that partners can achieve through continuous training.

2. Focus or expansion?

I work only in the field of cloud business management, or my specialization is cloud services within the infrastructure, am I limiting my business possibilities ?. Inevitably you have ever asked yourself this question when restructuring your business or looking for avenues of income.

A quite logical approach in which to find the answer it is necessary to be aware of our resources and our specialization.

Thus, the finest thing to do is to look for our strengths first. Examine how far we can go with the team we have and our knowledge. And then discover our focus and ask ourselves if we can take on more. Only in this way will we be able to venture into new businesses.

3. Legality

Offering cloud services means being up-to-date on regulations. The GDPR or PSD2 are very technology-bound regulations that fully affect this type of proposal.

Hence, as a partner, it is essential to know about more than innovation or tools in the cloud. It is vital to look around us and contextualize sales in an increasingly global environment, but at the same time more personalized and adapted to business needs.

4. Beyond the CIO

CIOs or CTOs have long since ceased to be the sole interlocutors in a technology sale. Other responsible parties may be involved in the implementation of cloud services, from human resources to the top management of an organization.

Different profiles for which it is necessary to mold the message, reduce the level of technicalities and focus on other approaches such as business or administration.

5. The rise to the cloud

Offering cloud services requires, in many cases, a previous step to upload to the cloud. Many organizations are still not clear about how to carry out this process.

Or if they want all their infrastructure, applications or resources to be in cloud services. This is where we must show the way, show the benefits of the cloud and guide migration.

With a complete service, we will ensure that we are seen as a trustworthy integral provider and one in which we can continue to rely on.

6. Innovation

Linked to the previous point, the upload to the cloud can be only one leg of a digital transformation process in a company. A point at which our vision as specialists will be vital for the company to mature, grow, and continue in the future.

In this sense, we can serve as a lever for innovation. We may not have all the knowledge to address certain points -this will depend on our focus and capacity.

But we can offer collaboration with other partners and our experience. Values as crucial as the direct service we can offer.

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